Mobile Devices has announced new carrier certification for its LTE Cat MOBD dongle , which runs the Munic. The Vgate iCar Wi-Fi OBDdongle opens an unprotected wireless LAN. OBD dongle aftermarket telematics solutions are gaining momentum in North America and Europe in segments such as UBI, fleet management, and consumer.
Welcome to Goof of the Month! Every month, we highlight a story or situation that reinforces the need for drivers and shoppers to understand .
A cost-effective Arduino programmable vehicle telemetry device in form of OBD dongle with optional BLE or cellular network support. In this blog post, I discuss the vulnerabilities of the Bosch Drivelog Connector OBD -II dongle found by the Argus Research . Wireless modem provider Novatel Wireless has started to show today the new generation of its OBD -II solutions for the commercial and . Op verzoek van vele clubleden heb ik de afgelopen maanden diverse OBDII dongles aangekocht op DX. Yet in the past few months, a few OBD dongles have appeared on the market, promising to make older vehicles suddenly modern by adding Internet connectivity . We tested eight plug-in OBD II GPS devices to find the best choice for tracking a car, identifying problems, and getting help.